Clinical Base Year

The Resident in Anesthesiology must complete 12 months of accredited preliminary training prior to beginning Clinical Anesthesia (CA) training. This Clinical Base Year, or Fundamental Clinical Skills training (FCS) is embedded in the Categorical program. For the Advanced program, acceptable FCS training includes a transitional year, internal or emergency medicine, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, neurology, family practice, or any combination of these as approved by the program director. The Allegheny Health Network Anesthesiology residency program offers 7 categorical positions and 3 advanced positions.

Allegheny Health Network provides opportunities for prospective residents to do their FCS (PGY-1) year in the same institutions as their anesthesiology residency through preliminary years in medicine or surgery. Each fulfills the department’s FCS requirement.

It is a requirement of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that prior to beginning the CA-1 year, the resident must complete a qualifying examination (NBME/USMLE or COMLEX) that would serve as a basis for securing an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.