Didactic Program
A comprehensive core curriculum has been implemented for the didactic education of residents at all levels. The formal didactic program begins in August of each year and runs through May. The format of these conferences includes basic science lectures, problem-based learning discussions, keyword review, written board review questions, and mock oral board reviews.
Monthly journal clubs, a guest lecture series, resident research projects, and attendance at local and national conferences all complement the daily lecture program. Specialty didactic sessions complement the obstetrics, cardiac, transesophageal echocardiography, and post-anesthesia care unit rotations.
Our Didactic Lecture Series is based on the current Content Outline of the In-Training Council of the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). It is structured to provide a systematic approach to the basic sciences and clinical anesthetic management, so that all aspects of the ABA written exam are covered over a 3-year period. The lecture series runs in parallel at West Penn Hospital and Allegheny General Hospital.
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds is a weekly conference provided by distinguished visiting professors from other anesthesiology departments, as well as by residents and attending faculty members on an assigned basis.
Problem-Based Learning Discussions are patterned after the successful format from recent meetings of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, emphasizing participation of the entire group. The sessions provide in-depth reviews of factors surrounding common and uncommon clinical problems, the format reinforces communication skills vital to a consultant in anesthesiology.
An important feature of this program is the presence of Examiners for the American Board of Anesthesiology on the faculty. These faculty members and others conduct practice oral examinations in group and individual settings throughout the continuum of training.