The University of Pennsylvania
Perelman School of Medicine
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Invites you to the
15th Annual Pennsylvania Anesthesiology Resident Research Conference (PARRC)
The University of Pennsylvania
Perelman School of Medicine
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Invites you to the
15th Annual Pennsylvania Anesthesiology Resident Research Conference (PARRC)
This year we will be having five Happy Hours in July to welcome our new incoming residents! We hope this will give everyone the opportunity to meet our new class and welcome them to our team. We hope that everyone can make at least one!
FRIDAY, JULY 5th @ 5pm INDUSTRY PUBLIC HOUSE Lawrenceville 4305 Butler St.
FRIDAY, JULY 12th @ 5pm SIENNA MERCATO Downtown 942 Penn Ave.
FRIDAY, JULY 19th @ 5pm FEDERAL GALLEY North Shore 200 Children's Way
FRIDAY, JULY 26th @ 5pm SHADY GROVE Shadyside 5500 Walnut St.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 31st @ 5pm HOFBRAUHAUS Southside 2705 S Water St.
In the past, we've had a few attendings graciously sponsor our happy hour events. If any of our wonderful attendings are willing to even partially sponsor one of these events (which you can hopefully attend!), this would be greatly appreciated!!
Volunteering connects you to others, has a positive impact on your mind and body, and provides you with a sense of purpose. It also brings fun and fulfillment to your life. Since this is the season of giving, this month’s wellness lecture will focus on how to become involved in non-profit organizations, focusing on a nearby organization that was founded by an Anesthesiologist.
Who: Open to all residents, MANDATORY for CA-3s Where: Brother’s Brother Foundation 1200 Galveston Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15233 When: Thursday November 9th @ 3:30PM
Please come join the AHN Anesthesia department for their 8th Annual Anesthesia Update: New Approached to Familiar Topics
Charlene Costanza at charcrna@comcast.net or Carla Linsenbigler at carla.linsenbigler@ahn.org
Over the Hump Happy Hour
Come join the Allegheny County Medical Society Young Physicians Section for food and fellowship.
Industry Public House, Lawerenceville
For more information or to register: ACMS Events
Call 412-321-5030
email yps@acms.org
Attendings and Residents please come join the AHN Anesthesiology Resident Finance Club at Capital Grill Downtown for wine and wisdom complements of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC and Highland Capitol Brokerage with guest speakers Mark Scholl, Brian Kiger, and Jamie Egan.
Dr. Jon Scholl 412-721-0481 (text/call)
Lets celebrate the privilege that is caring for our patients during their most vulnerable moments surrounding surgery-- by giving back to the community and abroad.
Please join the AHN Anesthesiology Alumni Association for food, fun, fellowship, and financial words of wisdom. Complements of Mr. Jon Amodeo of Northwestern Mutual.
Fun Times ahead! Apps, Desserts, and book club chit chat. XX only :)
Come one Come all!
Resident Holiday Party - Friday Dec 9th 6:30-8:30 198 Camp Meeting Road Ext. Sewickley, PA 15143
Come armed with your ugliest sweaters, prettiest white elephant gifts, and pot luck dish for 10.
Please join the AHN Anesthesiology Alumni Association for their inaugural reunion event!
Food, fermentation, festivities, and fun for all.
Howdy Team!
Lets get together to celebrate our a few fellowship bound CA3s as well as our amazing co-resident family. Compliments of our very own Dr. Cormican!
In Store: Franktuary food truck Live music Local Beers Wigle Cocktails and demos